Modern Blackjack
Basic Strategy







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Flashcard Drills – Playing Decisions

Return to the Flashcard Drill Setup Screen. To test your knowledge of Basic Strategy, select Default Hands at the upper left. This will test you on the important hands. At the bottom left, you will see the Situations box. Flashcards will be displayed to test for all of the situations that you set. This is used in two ways. First, only flashcards that are relevant to the selected situations will be shown. Secondly, responses are valid only for the selected situations. For example, if you tell CV not to show flash cards for splits, then split is not a valid response. Even the obvious player 8,8 against dealer 5 is stand instead of split if you do not select the split situation. Using these options, you can start by testing yourself on one table at a time. Finally, you can set it to test you on all decisions at once.

When you make an error, a screen will be displayed like the one on the next page. The error made and an estimate of the cost of the error will be displayed. To display the Basic Strategy table and the cell in that table that applies, hit View Strategy Tables.


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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