
Menu HISTORY - GRAPHS can be used to show different statistics graphically for the current session. You can also show past sessions graphically by using Log Maintenance discussed later. 24 play graph types are supported and are selected by clicking the Charts menu or one of the down arrows on the control bar below the menu. There are dozens of additional graphs for CVDrills, CVTest and CVJournal.  


Ø Backdrop - You can turn this option off to remove the shaded background. This makes some charts easier to read.

Ø Three-D - Turn this option off to present the charts in a different style.

Ø Smoothing - Turning this option on smoothes the data using a quadratic B-Spline algorithm. This can require a large amount of CPU time as billions of instructions are executed.

Ø Drill Timimgs - If you are displaying CVDrill charts and this option is off, drill Ratings and Accuracy are displayed. If the option is on, drill speed in rounds per minute and total time are displayed.


Ø Print - Select File Print or right click on the chart and select print to create a paper version.

Ø Save As - Right click and select Save As to save the chart. If you select the Save As Type to JPEG, the chart can be displayed on the Web.

Ø Copy - Right click and select Copy to copy the chart's data to the Windows clipboard.



Play Charts

Ø Won/Lost and Win Rate - If you select the Won/Lost option, an area graph of your winnings is shown with a line graph of your Win Rate in front.

Ø Tips and Bankroll - This graph shows your bankroll (total chips minus markers.)  Stacked above this area is a second area showing accumulated tips. The sum of the bankroll and tips will show the size that your bankroll would have been without tips. Note: Do not take this too seriously. Tipping can be important.

Ø Side Bets - This graph can be used to track either Over/Under 13 or Red/Black side betting results. Note: These side bets are mutually exclusive. The Green line shows the overall total wins minus losses for Red or Under side bets; The Red line shows the wins minus losses for Black or Over side bets; and the Blue line shows the total wins minus losses.

Ø Multiple Sessions High/Low/End - This graph shows all sessions (current and past) for the current player. For each player, a single vertical line appears showing the high and low points of the bankroll during that session. A horizontal line shows the bankroll value at the end of that session.

Ø Counts - The true count and running count are graphed. In the background, the bankroll is displayed.

Ø Error Rate - This graph shows the overall percentage of times that you played or bet incorrectly according to the selected strategy. The "Warning on strategy error" option on the OPTIONS - SETTINGS menu ENVIRONMENT folder and/or the "Warning on Bet Error" option on the STRATEGIES - BETTING screen, and/or the "Warning on error" option on the STRATEGIES - OVER/UNDER screen must be set on during your play for this graph to be produced.

Ø Error Summary - A doughnut graph is shown giving the error rates for strategy, bet and over/under play.

Ø Play Errors - This graph breaks the strategy errors into seven categories.

Ø Bet Errors - Here, betting errors are broken into three categories and the percentage of camouflage bets is added.

Ø True/Running Count Hands Played - The number of hands played at each true and running count.

Ø True/Running Count Dollars Bet (Initial) - The money bet at each count not counting DD, Split and Insurance bets.

Ø True/Running Count Dollars Won - Winnings by count.

Ø True/Running Count Advantage (IBA) - The initial bet advantage at each count. This is winnings over initial bet. DD, Split and Insurance bets not included.

Ø Deck Depth Hands Played - This is the number of hands that were played in the first, second, third, etc. hands after a shuffle.

Ø Deck Depth Dollars Bet (Initial) - The money bet at each depth not counting DD, Split and Insurance bets.

Ø Deck Depth Dollars Won - Winnings by depth.

Ø Deck Depth Advantage (IBA) - The initial bet advantage at each depth. This is winnings over initial bet. DD, Split and Insurance bets not included.

Ø Tournament Play - This graph is used to track your bankroll against the other tournament players at your table. Each of the six players is shown by a separate line. See the Tournament Play section for more information.

Ø Tournament Round Summary - Here, the ending bankroll for each player is shown for each round in a tournament.

CVDrills Charts

There are 37 drills. For each drill, there are two charts. The Drill Timings option is off, Ratings and Accuracy are displayed. If the option is on, drill speed in rounds per minute and total time are displayed. Each point is one running of the drill. Up to the last 100 drills are displayed.

CVJournal Charts

For CVJournal charts, the currently selected sessions only are charted. You can change the sessions selected in CVJournal to change the charts.

Ø Cumulative Win - Your total dollars won over time is displayed.

Ø Cumulative EV - Your initial bet advantage over time is displayed.

CVTest Charts

For CVTest charts, only the currently selected test are charted. You can change the selected test in CVTest to change the charts.

Ø CVTest Ratings - For the last 100 tests, your overall Ratings are charted.

Ø CVTest Accuracy - For the last 100 tests, the last average accuracy rate (100 is perfect) is charted.

Ø CVTest Speed - For the last 100 tests, your overall speed ratings are charted.

Note: you can vary the look of the graphs by clicking on the part of the graph that you wish to change (title, legend, backdrop, chart, axis labels, etc.) However, the changes will not be remembered. If you click on the chart with the right mouse button, a pop-up menu will allow you to save the chart to a file or copy it to another Windows application.


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