
CVData V4 Improvements

A new version of the CVData Blackjack simulator is now available. If you are unfamiliar with this product, you can obtain information on the CVData page. Version 4 changes are outlined below. Note: Only added features are mentioned. (For blackjack game, practice and drills, see CV Blackjack Game.)

Advanced Blackjack Simulator


Over the years, many people have created Blackjack simulators to examine complex techniques. Generally, these sims can only be used by the developers themselves as they have little or no user interface. The trick is to create a very generalized interface that can be used by non-programmers to specify complex conditions and techniques. Such is the attempt in this software.

Version 4 Additions

Ease of Use

  • Manuals - There are now two printed manuals. The 96 page Reference Guide provides detailed explanations of the features and options. However, there now exist so many features that an additional 48 page User's Guide has been created. This is a full color manual with dozens of screen shots, advice and step-by-step instructions to get you started.
  • Templates - These are preconfigured sims to get you started quickly with simple simulations, index generations, Spanish 21 or side bet strategy creation and simulation.


  • For a couple of decades we have happily seen PCs increase dramatically in speed year after year. But a wall was hit a couple of years ago. Speed increases are now implemented primarily by using multiple cores. Intel is in its third generation of dual-core chips; now has four core chips and there are even a few eight core systems. AMD was first with a dual-core and is on much the same path. Unfortunately, most simulators do not run any faster on these chips as they do not support multi-threading. CVData V4 supports multi-threading. Speed on a Quad-Core chip with four threads is about 3.9 times the speed of one thread. (About 50 times the speed of SBA for a Blackjack Attack sim.)
  • Half-threads is the name of a new feature added to increase the speed of sims on multi-core PCs while still providing substantial processing power to other applications.

Custom Rules and Side Bets

The casinos have gone wild with new side bets. Another major addition to the support of customized rules and side bets is made in this version:

  • Poker-like Hands are now supported.
  • Streak bets supported.
  • Mix and Match allows you to combine various player and dealer cards to be tested for bonuses.
  • Bonuses can be Additive or not.
  • Up to 20 side bets and bonuses can be defined in one sim.
  • There is now the ability to save your own custom rules and side bets in a library.
  • Many standard Side Bets are supplied in the library including: 21+3, Big Slick, Bonanza Blackjack, Dare any Pair, Field of Gold, High Tie Bonus, Lucky Ladies, Lucky Lucky, Match the Dealer, Over/Under, Pair Square. Perfect Pairs, Royal Match, Spanish 21, Super 7's, Sweet 16 and Streak.

The idea is to allow the specification of tens of thousands of new rules without learning a programming or scripting language. The 17 side bets above are all defined by standard Windows option boxes and dropdowns; not programming code. It is possible to define a bonus that pays if the dealer up and players first card make a straight-flush, one card is the Queen of Hearts, there is a third card that is a Four and the dealer Busts with a Nine just by selecting options. An absurd rule; but that's the point.

Advanced Functions

The following functions have been moved from the CVData/Hard Core product into CVData V4.
  • Hole-Carding Simulation - Hole-carding support includes the specification of up to three strategies, one when you don't see the hole card, one when you see the card and the dealer upcard is high and one when the upcard is low. The focus is on cover play, not perfect play. You can also control how often you see the hole card, how often you win Insurance and under what conditions you see the card. Generally basic strategies are used; but card counting indexes are supported.
  • Hole-Carding Strategy Generation - The index generator can now generate hole-carding strategies for various rules. Although most players don't use card counting indexes, index generation is supported including risk averse indexes. You can now generate (but not sim) partial knowledge holecarding strategies.
  • Double Exposure - DBX is very much like HC except that the dealer takes ties and there is no need for cover. This means, for example, you will hit a 20 against a 20. DBX simulation and strategy generation are supported including the use and generation of indexes.
  • Heat - A major focus of CVData has always been the cost of using highly complex cover. V4 adds two levels of periodic heat. During these periods, when the player perceives heat, playing and betting strategies can be changed. The purpose is a more realistic calculation of advantage that doesn't always assume perfect playing conditions.

Double-Strategy Rules

There exist some new rules that require two sets of strategy tables. These are now supported:

  • Double Down Rescue. One strategy is used for normal Surrender and different strategy for a Surrender after a Double.
  • Discard after Split supported allowing you to throw away a split hand. A separate strategy is supported to indicate when to discard the Split hand.
  • Discard after Double supported. A separate strategy is supported to indicate when to discard the DD card and draw another.


There are now 600 columns of data generated. Most columns are generated per player. But there is never enough. So:

  • There are some sets of data that have been too unwieldy to generate. For example, data is collected by True Count and data is collected by Hand Depth. But, there have been requests for a combination of the two. For example, what would a set of True Count data look like only for the second hand? Generating tables for every combination of TC and hand depth would add over a hundred thousand new data points alone. The solution is a new feature called MRI Slices. Like a medical MRI machine, cross sections of data can be created by limiting stats to a specified range of TCs, RCs, Hand Depths, shoe segments or Units Bet. This will build tables that, for example, would show TCs of +4 at a hand depth of 3. With this feature one can now obtain data that used to require custom programming.
  • The Multi-Sim feature has been modified to allow many sims to automatically run, each taking a different MRI Slice.
  • The new Dealer Hands tables are also affected by the MRI Slice feature. This allows, for example, data to be collected on dealer hands at a requested TC, RC, units bet or hand depth, or section of the shoe or ranges of any of these.
  • We don't always play the same game. What is the overall data of all the games we play? For example; suppose we play six decks, S17, DAS with a large spread 50% of the time; the same with heavy cover 30% of the time and Single deck, with a small spread and H17 20% of the time. ComboSim now allows you to combine multiple sims into one. All ten thousand stats are combined and displayed as if one sim had been run.
  • The Customize button on the sim output main page now allows you to change hands/hour after a sim, switch between hands played or hands observed in SCORE calculation, specification of Standard Deviation in units or dollars and definition of a new relative performance stat called Game Factor based on EV, DI or SCORE.
  • Half count true betting now allows betting, wonging and statistic collection by half-TCs.


  • Weak counts like Front Count, Speed Count and counts that look only at the current round are supported. Variations supported. This feature also allows count adjustment part way through shoe. Some KO players do this.
  • Inverse wonging allows you to enter below a specified TC or RC and exit above.
  • Variable penetration is supported. (Penetration is extremely important and what dealer always cuts to the exact same card?)
  • Several improvements to HTML reports. (Sample Report)
  • Cover Wonging added. For example, do you leave the table immediately after a push? What is the effect of delay?
  • CVIndex can now create a chart for an index
  • Many minor improvements.


The CVData/HC add-in has been renamed CVData/ST and will concentrate on shuffle tracking. These features are only available in the add-in product.
  • The shuffle has been doubled in speed.
  • Shuffles can now have 200 steps. Note: A two pass riffle & restack and stepladder is only five steps. But in fact I did get a request to increase the steps from 50.
  • Multiple, independent track and play zones now supported for shuffle-tracking. In fact, you can have two pairs of married trackzones and the software will pick the best and set up the playzones accordingly.
  • Shuffle map feature added from CVShuffle to CVData/ST.

Note: Only recent additions are described on this page. For a full feature set see CVData Features .



  • The CVData upgrade includes the new manuals and costs $40 from V3 and $60 from earlier versions. CVData/HC users can receive free upgrades to CVData V4 and CVData/ST. This is on the honor system as the upgrade can be downloaded from the Download Page.


For demo and update downloads go to the Download Page.


I don't like to talk about future additions. But, I will say that CVData remains a live product.






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Copyright © 2023, Norman Wattenberger,
QFIT blackjack card counting software products,
All rights reserved
QFIT Blackjack card counting and shuffle tracking software